Friday, November 21, 2008


So this is retirement. I wondered!

If you would like to be in contact, we can write back and forth using this website.
If you have Skype, let me know, and I can call you directly. It is a challenge to talk to people in the US from here, however, since there is currently 9 hours difference. A few times, I've woken up Emily at 5 in the a.m. She can get so crabby! :)

I will add photos, too. I've taken lots of pictures here, of events, places, and people.

I truly encourage you to come visit. True, the flight is a bit expensive and it takes about 20 hours, but once you get here, you will find that all is worth it. I live on a resort, so there is much to do here, AND the surrounding emirates are very interesting. For example, I've been snorkeling, camped in the desert, gone four-wheeling, played golf, and shopped at the Mall of the Emirates where people ski and snowboard INSIDE. The UAE is quite a place!

Love to all,


Marsha said...

Hi Lori,
Mary D sent me your e-mail! Was excited to hear that you truly are having an adventure.
I was able to spend the summer working with Philip at the community garden project on Home Avenue and MLK in Flint. I had a wonderful time working with Philip and his group and seeing Lo. It has been a long time since we had crossed paths.
I am working into retirement. I am doing some contract work with the ISD. I am a coordinator for the Young Inventors Program and work with Mt. Morris with MEAP.
I did take a trip last March. My husband and I went to Ireland for 9 days. We had a great time and met some great people we now call friends.
Excited to hear that you are the "Marian the Librarian" and are enjoying your adventures.
Marsha Brown

Lori said...

It is SO nice to hear from you! I never thought we would retire, and I don't think we really have--at least not in the traditional sense!

How are the "kids"?

I got a nice card from Carmon when Em brought the mail. Sounds like she is well and busy.

People tell me that they can't access the blog, but you did! Do you have a gmail account? That may be a prerequisite....?

Say hi to all for me. I do miss friends and family so much, but am enjoying the year. Em is here, so it is a special time.

Love to all,
Lori and Em

Ruth said...

Hi Lori,

Just received your card and wonderful newsy exciting for you!

We are enjoying the western side of Michigan. Lynda & family are here this New Years week so we are celebrating both Christmas and the ringing in of 2009.

I will check your blog frequently to see what you're doing.

Ruth Denniston

Stephanie said...

Hi Lori! My Dad sent me a link to your blog. It is amazing what you are doing the the pictures are so fun to see. I almost fainted when I saw Emily. She can't be that old because I know I didn't get any older. :) Great to "see" you and I also have a blog. Feel free to keep dibs on us as well.

Marsha said...

Happy New Year! So wonderful to see the pictures and hear the fun Emily had over the holiday!
Yes, I do have a g-mail account but not sure that is the reason I was able to get to your blog.
My kids are doing well. Cullen is living in Seattle, WA, and working for a company that does work with Boeing. He has a cute girlfriend Sarah. She is a University of Washington Grad and has apps out for Vet school. Larkin is still trying to decide what to do. She has moved back home. She was living with her boyfriend and working 3 part-time jobs. She is taking classes at Mott this semester.
I need to call Carmon and meet her for lunch.
Love seeing the pictures and learning the tidbits of info.
I will be traveling to Prague, Vienna and Budapest in late April. Rick Picken's wife Candy will be my roomie as Craig will be back in St. Ignace opening the restaurant.